Léonie, 22 years old, AMAP assistant
Employed by municipal authorities, AMAP assistants manage these networks similar to community supported agriculture schemes.
They have several responsibilities:
Finding premises for distributions.
Establishing contacts between farmers and citizens.
Organising special events.
Managing waiting lists.
Awarding AMAP grants to people in financial difficulty.
They are go-betweens for elected representatives, people who run AMAPs, farmers and eaters.
Solène, 23 years old, AMBASSORTER
An ambassorter is an ambassador for SORTING.
Within a district, the ambassorter goes from door to door with the mission of converting residents into Ekovores.
This person likes human interaction, taking time to visit people and observe the household’s lifestyle in order to best adapt her advice. The ambassorter’s mission is to create awareness of local sustainable practices, inciting people to leave excessive packaging in shops, suggesting installation of worm-composting bins and garden hen houses, meaning packaging materials and quick sorting no longer hold any secrets for the population.